I am going to Namibia, Africa July 3rd. I will be gone until August 1st. This is a study abroad trip-sort of. There are 6 students and 2 instructors going over from the Digital Media Department at UVU (formally UVSC).
We are working with the National Archives of Namibia to digitize their records. Since I have experience with digital imaging (taking pictures, working with photoshop, color correction, etc.) I got selected to go. Not only is this an awesome experience, but I get college credit for it as well! Yahoo!! So I tell people this is my chance to be a wanna be National Geographic photographer! :)
So not only do I get to go to Africa, but we are stopping in London for our layover. We get to spend 14 hours in London on July 4th! Wahoo!
I set up this blog awhile ago, but figured I'd actually start using it to document this trip. I hope to upload lots of photos and videos of the trip! So enjoy!