Ok, so I know I have a lot to catch up. For instance I have to tell you about how I'm no longer in the mailroom at Deseret Book! Halle-freakin-lujah! I'm now doing design stuff...full part-time. Meaning, it's still just a part-gig, but now now I get to do it the whole time instead of splitting the time between design and mailroom.
So I wanted to throw out some of the designs I've done lately. Some are better than others, but they've been fun to do. I mostly do marketing banners for the DeseretBook.com website and marketing emails for MoTab Choir, Time Out For Women, and then a product spotlight.

Newest CD from Jenny Oaks Baker

This one was a lot of fun to do with the plate and crumbs and such.

Truman G. Madsen is the man!

Too bad you can't see it here, but there's actually video that plays with this one.

One of my favorite designs I've done so far. I think it just looks cool.