Me petting the Cheetah. If it looks like I was a little scared, it was because I was. I've got cats, I know they can be a little unpredictable.

The igloo bungalows were fun to stay in and reminded me of the houses in the original Star Wars where Luke Skywalker lived.

Beautiful Cheetah named Chakita.

Chakita eating dinner. It happen to be horse meat that day, which was her favorite.

Here I am petting the cheetah. Apparently cheetahs are one of the few cats that you can pet while eating and they don't care. I still was a bit hesitant though.
Friday morning we drove the rest of the way to Luderitz. We walked around town and saw the old buildings and had fresh seafood at the waterfront. The buildings were picturesque and the sight of the ocean was beautiful.

We went to a place called Diaz Cross, where the Portuguese landed back in the 1400's. When they got here they looked around and didn't see much worth sticking around for. They put up a cross to mark that they had landed, but then headed back to Portugal. It wasn't until the early 1900's when the Germans came back around and saw something more. They are the ones who found the plethora of diamonds in the sand. Luderitz and Kolmanshop are still diamond territory.