I've been back from my Europe trip for about a week now. I flew back Sunday the 22nd, but it's taken a good week to catch up on sleep and laundry. It was so worth it though. I had such a fun time and wanted to share some of the photos of the trip.
To give you a quick run down this is where I went - I flew into Budapest, Hungary and spent a few days there. We then took a train to Zagreb, Croatia and spent a day there. We then flew down to the coast of Croatia to a delightful town called Dubrovnik. We spent 3 days there and this is where I got to spend my birthday. We then flew back to Zagreb, caught a train and made our way to a town called Bled, Slovenia just on the other side of the Julian Alps bordering Austria. We had 2 nights there and then made the long train ride back to Budapest. We had one more day in Budapest and then flew out the next morning. The trip was for 11 wonderful days and they went by so fast. It was a life changing trip and I feel so blessed to have been able to go and that it went so well.
Ok...so here's a few of my favorite pictures to help give you a taste of the trip. These are in no particular order.

Zagreb is the capitol of Croatia. It's a strange mix of very old buildings and very new ones. Lots of churches, parks, and cobblestone streets. We did find the best ice cream we'd ever tasted in Zagreb.

Window boxes were every where and I loved them all. This one is in a town just outside Bled, Slovenia. We were making our way to Vintgar Gorge and the trail took us through this quiet neighborhood.

This is the waterfall at the end of Vintgar Gorge. It was off season every where we went, so we basically had the place to ourselves. The water was crystal clear and the fall leaves still gave the place lots of color. My camera just doesn't do it justice.

Vintgar Gorge in Slovenia.

One of the train compartments that we were in. We were lucky most of the time to have it all to ourselves. I've decided I like riding trains and I can't help feeling like I'm in the Harry Potter books when I do.

Thermal Baths are a very traditional past time in Hungary. This is one that we checked out in Budapest. It was warm, relaxing, and made for some wonderful people watching.

Jewish Synagogue in Budapest, Hungary. Beautiful building and it's a marvel it's still standing. It survived World War II and Russian occupation.

St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest, Hungary. Beautiful building inside and out. It was amazing to me to be in these buildings that were as old as they were.

Strudel is one of my new favorite things ever! This was a cheap, warm, heavenly treat that we would get at the fresh market.

I had my first squatter toilet experience. What surprised me the most, was that it wasn't half bad. I could actually get used to it.

We found this beautiful park in the middle of Zagreb, Croatia while looking for the local branch. The leaves were amazing and we both wanted a picture. This is Stephanie, my travelling companion.

Here is a view of the Old Town of Dubrovnik, Croatia from the city wall. This is the widest street in the Old Town. Everything else is very narrow and has stairs. Beautiful city right up against the Adriatic Sea.

Very common site to see laundry hanging, especially in Dubrovnik. The weather was still quite warm and you could dry your laundry outside.

View of the Old Town of Dubrovnik from the fort on the hill. Most people don't live in the Old Town, not after the Yugoslavia War and because it's very expensive. It's mostly just a tourist attraction, but people still live and work there.

Handmade Nativity scene we saw while in Bled, Slovenia.

Hungarian Goulash made with lamb. Very good and very traditional.

Our last night in Hungary we went to a National Hungarian folkdance. Amazing music, costumes, and dancers. So much fun and such a wonderful way to end the trip!

The last day we were in Budapest we got to check out the Christmas markets. Everything was homemade. These were wreaths and hangings made with limes, mandarin oranges, cinnamin sticks, bay leaves, and dried red peppers. It smelled so good and was so pretty.

One of the 7 bridges that crossed the Danube river that separates Buda from Pest. Buda is the hilly side with the castles, and Pest is the side with the large old buildings.

Where we would buy our fresh fruit in Budapest.

Still lots of fall colors, especially in Zagreb.

Some of the cool architecture in the Old Town in Dubrovnik.

Heavenly desserts wherever we went. Hungary had awesome studel. Croatia had amazing ice cream. Slovenia had amazing cakes.

Croatia harvests fresh olives. I had no idea.

Since Croatia is just across the Adriatic Sea from Italy, they happen to have a lot of Italians. This means they have lots of places with authentic Italian food. It was wonderful!

One of the many cool churches we stumbled across in Zagreb, Croatia. We never did find our branch, but we found like 7 or 8 other Christian churches.
This is a view from the island in the middle of Lake Bled looking towards the Julian Alps. You can see Bled Castle on the left, the church, and of course the Alps. Beautiful! It even had a fairytale feel to it.

In the middle of Lake Bled there was an island with a church on it. The story goes that if you make a wish and ring the bell, your wish will come true. Here's hoping!

These are my birthday wishes. The man who owned the guesthouse we were staying at, Ante, saw on my passport that it was my birthday. He surprised me with a rose and a bouquet of Croatian chocolate. Stephanie also surprised me with a thoughtful, handmade card. It was a wonderful birthday and it'll be a tough one to top.