2011 was a great year!
Full of good times and frustrating times, but mostly good times. Here's a few of the highlights:
- My brother, Kyle, came home from Afghanistan safely.
- We went on a Mexican Riviera, family cruise the day after the big earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
- I discovered my very first gray hair while on the cruise.
- Had an awesome 31st birthday and didn't even have to leave the country. I have a wonderful family and friend's and that made it a very memorable day.
- They dissolved the awesome student ward I was going to, so I decided to drop out of the single's ward scene and start going to a family ward.
- I decided to start running and did 3 Half Marathons - Salt Lake, Top of Utah in Logan, and Snow Canyon in St. George
- I took my first Solo trip to Ireland- You can read all about that trip starting here. Twas Awesome!
- I started doing web and graphic design freelancing work with Deseret Book and my brother's Forked Up Art business.
- Took a few cooking classes through my new favorite restaurant, Thymes and Seasons. Here's just a few of the things I learned out to make
- the best pie crust ever
- several pasta dishes
- a number of Royal Thai dishes
- Finally had new photos taken of me and gave them to my family for Christmas. Our family photo wall now can replace the 10 year old photo of me. Yay!
- Our family also welcomed a new addition. Judson and Michelle had another little boy they named Wynn. He's a sweet little guy.
Life Lessons Learned
- I'm never truly alone.
- While I can do things by myself, it doesn't mean it's the best way to go about it.
- While I enjoy being single and all the freedoms that entails, that is not my ultimate destination and desire.
- I really want a permanent travel buddy.
Life List Items checked off this year:
- Vist a pub in Ireland (Totally forgot this was on my list.)
- Run a half marathon (Did 3 this year!)
Sea Patrol, Rescue Special Ops, Bones, Once Upon A Time
Music I enjoyed this year:
- Adele
- How to Train Your Dragon Soundtrack
- Kelly Clarkson's latest
- Lindsey Stirling
Notable Natural disasters in 2011
- Earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Earthquake and tsunami in Japan
- Earthquake on East Coast
- Hurricane Irene hit the East Coast
- Hurricane strength winds in Bountiful, Farmington, and Layton, Utah.
What I'm looking forward to in 2012:
- Run a full marathon
- More wonderful trips and meeting more wonderful people
- Bobsledding in Park City, Utah
- Visiting every LDS temple in Utah
- Visiting the main sites to see in Southern Utah (Zion's, Bryce Canyon, Moab, etc.)