Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stuck in The Elevator...

Today has been one of those days... Seriously.

While running around doing errands at the Church Office Building, I was in one of the elevators going between the 21st and 27th floor and it started to act funny. wouldn't open the doors when I got to my floor. So I pushed the button for another floor, and it did the same thing. It would go the floor, but not open the door. I figured I'd take it down to the very bottom and see if I could figure something out there. at about the 18th floor it stopped suddenly and jolted a bit. I get this female recording telling me not to be alarmed. That didn't help. If made me more worried. It finally starts up again and I get to the bottom floor and pry the stupid doors open. It was a relief to get out of the dang thing. Glad I wasn't stuck for good. I've always wondered what that would be like....

I woke up to over 6 inches of snow. Luckily I took the bus today and got to sleep through all the nasty traffic. However, when I woke up when we got to Salt Lake it took me back because Salt Lake didn't get ANY snow. Ok...maybe a slight dusting on the benches, but nothing on the streets. Weird feeling to fall asleep with tons of snow and wake up and have it be a completely different world.

View from my Apartment

This would be what it looks like in Salt Lake in front of the Church Office Building. Green Grass, blooming flowers, etc... You'll notice the sidewalk isn't even wet... So strange...

1 comment:

The Lolly said...

oh my gosh, look at all that snow!!! uuuughghghghhghghg makes me cold just looking at those pics. especially the one from your apartment, with the snow whipping up on the mountain. it's in the 90's here! you got stuck in an elevator?! hahahahaha! i mean, it's like every person's worst fear, because in movies, well, when elevators start acting up, it always ends badly. of course, being in the Church Office Building, i'm sure there were angels holding it up. or messing with you. either way, glad you got out. :) stay warm!