I quit my last job on May 1st and things were getting a little scary. I've been looking for a second job since that time, but nothing was coming of it. Thank goodness I still had my job at the LDS Church Headquarters, but since it's only part time and they only give you a 1000 hours a year, my time was running out quickly.
I started work this Monday. My official title is: "Office Services Clerk." Basically all this means, is that I'm in charge of the mail room, keeping office supplies stocked, and help setup conference rooms. A simple, non-glamorous job. I love it! (They did find out I had a BS degree in Digital Media and I think they will give me more technical jobs to do, which should mean more money).
Everybody is so nice and I can't help but feel so very blessed. I have the best 2 jobs in the world and I work with some of the coolest people.