Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SCUBA at Catalina Island 2009

Last week I took off to go diving around Catalina Island in California. I got to be the assistant dive leader on the boat. So in other words, I got to go basically for free. Can't beat a vacation like that! :) Below is a picture of the Sand Dollar. It's a live-aboard boat we were on for 2 days.

This is one set of bunks on the boat. I was in the back on the bottom. We can fit up to 11 people in this bunk area. Thankfully there were only about 8 of us this time around.

This was my third trip to Catalina and this was the best yet. The last two times it was cold and we never were able to dry off completely because it was always raining. Trust me...the word DAMP, was a bad word during those trips.

The weather was GORGEOUS and the water was much warmer than in the past. Still wet suit temperature, but after the first initial shock of getting in, it wasn't a big deal. You got out because you were low on air, not because it was cold. Twas wonderful!

Catalina is awesome for diving because of what you get to see. There is so much sea life. Here's some of what I saw on my 6 dives. Octopus, Bat Rays, Sand Sharks, enormous Lobster, Eels, Sea Cucumbers, Garibaldi fish, Halibut, and two seals. That was just the sea life. Lots of beautiful coral and kelp. We even saw a few sunken ship. Definitely a good trip.

I didn't take as many picture this time around, mainly because I've seen it all before. Plus, I just didn't want to mess with my camera underwater or on the boat. It was nice just to chill and help others have a good time diving. It was a working trip after all. ;)

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