So while I'm still adjusting to a different time zone, I thought I'd write about the last few days in ireland and what I learned. Figure this was I good way to wrap up my trip emails. :-)
What I learned in Ireland:
- There are two types of weather in Ireland: Raining and about to rain. It only actually rained twice last week. Once for 3 days, and the second time lasted 4 days. ;)
- It is always windy and I shouldn't even try to do my hair.
- Irish potatoes are incredible yummy and are different than Idaho potatoes.
- Black and White pudding is very tasty, until you find out what it's made of.
- Pubs are awesome. Pubs stand for public houses and are wonderful social places to eat and socialize. Not at all like what bars are here. Non-drinkers are welcome.
- Live Irish music is a treasure.
- You don't say, "Why do you drive on the wrong side of the road?" It's not the wrong side, it's just the left side. I didn't say this mind you...I knew better.
- Ireland and its people are even more friendly, warm, enchanting, magical and beautiful as I thought they were.
On a more personal note..
- I learned that traveling solo is not as scary as I thought it would be.
- I'm much more travel savvy than I thought.
- Finding someone (future spouse) who loves to travel as much as I do is really important to me.
- God is very mindful of us and does send His angels to watch over and protect us.
- While tour groups are fun and informative, I'm glad there are other options.
Ireland was the trip I felt like I needed to go on. I'm not sure if there was any specific reason why or if I will know why anytime soon, but I'm so glad I went.
Here are the highlights of my last day in Dublin.
The night in the hostel went fine. I was next to a window on one of the busiest streets in Dublin. I knew this was the case when I booked the place, but the prime location outweighed the noise factor. I didn't sleep much, but I slept enough. That morning I was able to get breakfast and head out to do a few last minute things in Dublin.
I was so hoping to see the first edition of the book of Mormon at Trinity College but the library wasn't open. I found a fun place to sit and read a paper about the ten year anniversary of September 11th. It was nice to have just a moment to just sit and take in.
Pretty soon it was time to check out of the hostel and catch my bus to the airport. There were heavy winds and they delayed our flight from Dublin by 2 hours. The plane was taking longer than usual to service. No problem. It made my 5 hour layover in Chicago only 3 hours.
As we waited, the passengers all got a bit chatty. I ended up visiting with three sisters from Nebraska who had come to Ireland for fun. They were telling me their adventures in driving. I also sat by an Irish woman who had moved to California several years ago, but had just come back to visit family. It was fun for her to hear about our trips and what we thought of her beautiful country. It was nice to visit with all of them.
The flight went well and I was able to stay awake the entire time. Now the flight from Chicago to Salt Lake was different. By that time it was about 3 and 4 am Ireland time and I just couldn't stay awake. No worries though I slept fine when I got home except that I have this thing where I wake up at 3 and 4 in the morning. :-) I always seem to have more issues adjusting when coming back.
Here's one last Irish blessing and some of my favorite photos of my favorite times and people from the trip. :)
May love and laughter light your days,
And warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
Wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
With joy that long endures.
May all life's passing season
Bring the best to you and yours.