Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick trip to California

So I'm behind and have lots to catch up on. A few weeks ago I flew to California to see my brother Alan. He has been gone since May doing summer installs for security systems and he was finally getting ready to come home. He has never been to Disneyland and since all of his friends had already gone home in August, he was trying to find someone to go with. I jokingly suggested that if he flew me out there, I'd love to go with him. Well...he said yes. So the next day I was there. We had a fun filled weekend that included surfing and Disneyland. It was a fun trip. Here are a few random pictures. The Disneyland pictures are on Alan's camera, so I'll have to get those up later.

Jason came along too. This was his first time on a plane. Here we are at the airport, excited and ready to go.

While driving around Long Beach, we saw this sign, that was just too funny.

*More pictures of Disneyland will come as soon as I can get Alan to send them to me. *

1 comment:

Megs said...

Holy Cow! Jason is SO tall now! That's just nuts. I can't wait to see the Disneyland pictures....Alan...chop chop!