Monday, November 29, 2010

My birthday and other adventures...

So I turned 30. was a good experience.

I'll confess, I had a bit of a meltdown the Sunday before. I panicked and couldn't imagine myself as 30. I mean...that's supposed to be OLD, right? I felt like I hadn't accomplished near enough with my life. I did stop and think about all the adventures I've had and I did have to admit things didn't look as bleak as I'd first though. Anyway...I've decided that birthdays are a lot easier to handle when you have them outside the country. So... I'm planning my next birthday trip as we speak.

I have decided though that my 20's were pretty awesome, so my 30's should be even better. So here we go....

I did have a good birthday. I flew out to sunny California to see the beaches, play at Disneyland, and do whatever the heck I wanted. I went with two friends to help celebrate and we had a great time.

Here's a few pictures to give you an idea of the fun that was had. I'll be be posting more in the next few days.

Newport Beach Pier
Cool silhouette of people on the Newport Beach Pier

Newport Beach LDS temple. Beautiful! Inside and out.

My parents and brothers made this 4 layer cake for my birthday. Brothers went all crazy with the candles. It's a bit of a tradition in my family to do something unique and creative with the candles. If my one brother had been around, you would see something being burnt at the stake.

More pictures to follow...I have a ton from Disneyland where I acted like I was 12 years old.
Twas awesome!

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