Monday, September 26, 2011

Trip to Ireland - Day 3 - Vagabond Tours

The Vagatron - Vagabond Tour Vehicle

I was up quite early to make sure I was able to meet my tour group this morning. I made it ok, but it was a bit stressful for a bit. I made sure I caught the bus plenty early, but with traffic to the city centre, it took much longer than I thought. I was a bit flustered and got a bit turned around trying to find the Tourism Centre were I was to meet everybody. When I did find the place no one from the tour was there. I guess they all met at the hotel earlier.

Anyway I found them and got all sorted. Turns out I am the youngest one in the group, probably by at least 25 years. I was quite surprised actually. I have mixed feelings about it, but overall it's been good. The group is half American and half Australian. I already have a few wanting to line me up with their single sons.

We went up into Northern Ireland and it is quite different here. It is beautiful and nice to be out of the big city. We went for a hike first thing up a small mountain where there was a Neolithic tomb at the top. Part of the hike was for our tour guide to access our physical abilities. Most everybody did ok. I think we had maybe 2 or 3 that weren't able to do it. 

View from the top of the hill

The hike was beautiful and with us being so close to sea level, it was so easy to breath. The ground was a bit muddy from a recent storm, but that just added to the fun. The ground is quite spongy due to all of the peat in the soil. Quite a bit different than the rock-filled clay soil we have in Utah. 

Can you tell which are rocks and which are sheep?

Rock and Fushia on the hill side.

Massive Neolithic tomb on of top of the hill

Neolithic tomb opening

Getting into the Neolithic tomb

What humidity, rain, and wind does to my hair

In Belfast, I took a black taxi cab tour around the city. It was very informative and was quite intense really to understand the division between the Catholics and Protestants. It actually is mostly political. We saw the "Peace Wall" and several murals from each side. Quite a sobering tour.

Belfast Black taxi

Mural spells out the word PLAY

Freaky mural where the gun barrel follows you where ever you stand

Mural of the Red Hand of Ulster

One of the gates in the "Peace Wall" in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Peace Wall in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Black Taxi's in front of the "Peace Wall" in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Houses on the other side of the Peace Wall have to protect themselves from Petrol Bombs

Memorial on the Catholic side of the Peace Wall in Belfast

Rubber bullet used by the Garda (police) in Belfast

We're in a hotel tonight on the coast. I can see Scotland from my room window. Its quite a nice place we're staying in, much nicer than anything I would have booked for myself.

The weather has been perfect. It's been warm when it needed to be and wet when we were driving. The Lord truly has been watching out for us.

Hotel in Glens of Atrim in Northern Ireland
Boat dock in the sleepy town of Glens of Atrim

Random guy fishing out on a rock

I'm still having fun and can't believe how green and beautiful it is here. My pictures just won't do it justice. I'm quite tired tonight and will head to bed soon. We are going to see Giant's Causeway and Derry tomorrow. It will be a good day, but quite full.

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