- I got promoted from mailroom to web designer at Deseret Book.
- I went full time as an Associate Producer with the Church and made the choice to leave Deseret Book.
- I have been involved in the first ever International Video Contest for the Church.
- My brother left for Afghanistan and will come home this next year.
- I moved into a basement apartment and am roommate free.
- I got to go back to my mission in North Carolina and see dear friends.
- I got to visit places in my mission that I never had the chance to see while I was there 8 years ago. (Outer banks, the Biltmore mansion, Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and Columbia)
- I got my bow hunter safety card and learned that I'm a great shot.
- I ran my first race, a 6K at Thanksgiving Point.
- I turned 30 and went to Disneyland to celebrate with friends.
Family photos were taken before Kyle left for Afghanistan in March

Two guys crossing the street with the whitest and most delicate umbrella I've ever seen.

Bow Hunter Safety Class

Rowe has a thing for laundry baskets.

Scuba Trip in Catalina Island with family

Jason got to come visit us on the dive boat just off the coast of Catalina Island since he was working at a scout camp there. Check out his tan line.
Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina

Hanging out with friends.